Frequently Asked Questions
Is 72Hours Reload a private or professional trip?
This is a professional networking retreat for female leaders. Our 4 days are filled with inspirational talks and personal leadership sessions. They will reload your mind and give you fresh perspectives on your professional journey.
Those who joined us before will tell you that the informal talks with other inspiring women will also reload your mind, body and soul on a personal level. We grow and learn as professionals when we take the time to slow down, open our minds and make space to get into motion.

Is this a Leadership Retreat?
Leadership to us is the ability to make a difference and have real impact, starting from your core talents. Some do it in an official leadership role, others do it without a title.
Developing your personal leadership skills is part of every 72Hours Reload. We believe in learning from each other. A network of likeminded women with ambition is the best mirror a girl can have.
Expect inspiring speakers to give you fresh perspectives on your professional journey. Or you can pitch your latest idea or project at our brainpicking sessions.
That is how we grow. Together.

What's the average age of women joining?
We prefer to ask another question: what is the life experience of our Reloaders? Since we started in 2016, we decided to not put up any barriers for sisterhood. Our only rule? Come as you are.
To give you an idea, the youngest was 25 and the most experienced just turned 67.
You know it’s not the years in your life that matter right? What’s for certain?Joining one of Reloads will add life to your years.

Why is 72Hours only for women?
Because we have seen over and over again how women lift each other up when give the time and space to connect and share.
Since we started 2016, almost 400 women joined us. Many of them started new projects together, have become each others mentor, do business together. However different they are, one invisible thread connects them all: the willingness to share, learn and help each other grow.
Sisterhood is easy. Try it today.
Take 72 seconds today to send a message to a woman you like, love or admire.

What does the program look like?
Our program always has everything you need to Reload your mind, body and soul. We finalise our program and confirm speakers about a month before we leave. Our local friends always connect us to hidden venues & people. Small hotels, tasty local food, unique sunrise and sunset yoga or apero moments.
At every 72Hours Reload, you will slow down to get fresh perspectives from inspiring local speakers & personal leadership sessions. We always try to find topics that are closest to the places we visit. In any case, they always spark vivid discussions and make you reflect about your own professional journey. That sisterhood continues once you get back, with a great network of inspiring women that lift you up.

Is this only for entrepreneurs?
Nope. It’s for every woman trying to make an impact.
Entrepreneurs, freelancers, marketeers, finance experts, members of parliament, singers, directors, in between jobbers, doctors, lawyers, women in tech, construction or HR, women in politics, academic researchers …
They were all part of our previous trips. It is exactly that diversity in backgrounds and expertise that makes networking at 72Hours Reload so enriching. You get truly new perspectives.

Do I have time to relax?
Our rule number 1: it's your Reload. We offer the setting, inspiring women, venues, speakers, workshops and activities to get you moving. You decide if you take part.
Nearly every single woman joining us, arrives on day 1 with a head full of to do's. Most of you juggle different roles and carry a lot of daily responsibilities. No wonder you are tired. We are here to Reload your mind, body and soul.
Once you arrive, it is time to let go and let us handle everything. We can already imagine your face after 72 Hours.
Forget about facelifts, try a Reload.

Do I have to surf in Portugal?
Only if you feel like it. It’s not about standing up on the board, it’s about the glow on your face coming out of the water. A bit like life, really.
About half of our women try surfing.
But you can also join our guided walk, biking tour to the lighthouse or join our sunrise yoga next to the ocean. And don’t forget our inspiring speakers and personal leadership workshops.
It’s your Reload.

What speakers will be there?
About a month before we leave, you will receive a detailed travel book, including our line up of speakers. Expect a mix of topics and styles for the left and right part of your brain. And, we always like to keep some surprises.